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  • Business English

Help your employees succeed in English

  • Strengthen confident communication with customers, partners and colleagues
  • Promote employee retention with a training measure which enhances a core skill
  • Encourage networking among employees

Relevant. Enjoyable. Active. Your company’s training goals are our starting point, so content and learning outcomes relate directly to your priorities. Also, we feel strongly that people learn best when they enjoy the process, so we ensure that training stays interesting, supportive and energizing. Lastly, since language is learned through active use, we motivate employees to speak, think, speak, solve, speak, play and speak in English. Did we mention speak?

Comprehensive? Narrowly Focused? Both? If your goal is to increase employees’ confidence and skills in English fundamentally and for a range of work-related contexts, have a look at our innovative Ascend system. If the aim instead is to sharpen their English for one particular situation or to improve both broad abilities and a certain task-specific one, just get in touch with us to discuss your needs.

Your Place ... . In-house training can be arranged in the Rhine-Neckar / Rhine-Main areas. Intensive training is possible throughout Germany.

... or Ours? Alternatively, you can enroll employees in open courses. Small groups meet at our attractive location in the heart of Heidelberg’s historic old town. Please see our current course schedule.

Ascend: Landscapes and Close-Ups

6Max out

Sample topics:

  • Optimizing written English
  • Problem-solving
  • Arguing convincingly about policies
5Express and impress

Sample topics:

  • Explaining complex concepts and processes
  • Presenting confidently
  • Reaching agreements
4Contribute actively

Sample topics:

  • Sharing and debating ideas during meetings
  • Communicating politeness in e-mails
  • Conveying information with details
3Gain security

Sample topics:

  • Describing products and services clearly
  • Making small-talk
  • Reporting on completed work and projects
2Communicate -- and survive

Sample topics:

  • Telephoning: taking messages and making appointments
  • Writing short e-mails
  • Describing current tasks and company activities
1Lay foundations
  • Acquiring fundamental vocabulary for work situations
  • Gaining experience with the most basic grammar structures


Our Ascend system offers structure for increasing employees’ general confidence and skills as well as flexibility to focus on selected topics significant for each individual group – all within the context of job-related situations. The system is organized into six courses according to participants' language abilities.

Before starting, it's important to arrange a one-to-one orientation talk between each learner and an English, Inc. trainer. This short conversation helps identify language needs as well as which course would fit best. Talks can be held at your firm or on our premises in Heidelberg. They’re normally free of charge and carry no obligation. To arrange appointments for employees or to learn more, simply phone or e-mail.


Open Courses

To provide training for a single employee or two, you may find our open courses an ideal option. These courses follow the Ascend system in 10-week segments. Groups of 2 to 5 participants meet at our beautiful garden-side premises in Heidelberg’s old town.

                               NEXT COURSES



Mondays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm:

7 Oct - 9 Dec 2024 

Price: € 590 + sales tax




Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm:

8 Oct - 10 Dec 2024 

Price: € 590 + sales tax


                        REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  2 OCTOBER 2024


                               (Information subject to change)

Interested in learning more?

To learn whether English, Inc. could be a solution for your employees, just get in touch with us.
We can promise a positive and helpful exchange with no obligation.  




Thank you for your dedication to our organisation and our diverse, multi-cultural English learners. You literally ‘got them talking’ by creating a supportive and enjoyable environment. The participants’ appreciation of the way you connected with them is incredible.

Dr. Roné Pawson
Professional Development and Training
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg

Wir haben bereits mit anderen Anbietern für Business English Training gute Erfahrung gemacht, aber das Training von English, Inc. war bisher mit Abstand das Beste. 

Cornelia Cardenas
Human Resources Abteilung
TI Automotive Systems Germany GmbH (Heidelberg)

Seit vielen Jahren begeistert Herr Cerniski unser Team als Englisch-Coach. Seine sympathische und sensible Art, mit unterschiedlichen  Lerntypen umgehen zu können, führen durchweg zu sehr guten Erfolgen. Er versteht, sein Klientel zu motivieren und zu begeistern und unser Team nimmt die Sprachtrainingsangebot von Herrn Cerniski durchweg mit großer Freude wahr.

Wilhelm Kampik, Geschäftsführer
Gesellschaft für Innovative Marktforschung mbH

Wir waren absolut zufrieden mit unserem Training: interessant, auf unsere Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten und eine sehr kompetente, hilfreiche und humorvolle Trainerin! 

zwei GmbH


Sehr gut an unsere Bedürfnisse angepasster Unterricht.
- - - - -
Sehr angenehmer Dozent, der mit Begeisterung Inhalte vermittelt.
- - - - -
Es hat mir großen Spaß gemacht! Danke!

Sehr praxisbezogen, Informationen derart aufbereitet, dass man sie im Arbeitsalltag brauchen kann.
-  -  -  -  -
Alle Stunden waren sehr angenehm, unterhaltsam und bereichernd.
-  -  -  -  -
Es wurde viel geredet. Jede hat die Möglichkeit gehabt, sich auszudrücken.

Berufsbezogene, flexible und angenehme (lern-) Stimmung.
- - - - -
Jede Unterrichtsminute wird perfekt genutzt.
- - - - -
Dozentin: freundlich, humorvoll, aufgeschlossen, interessiert, engagiert und hilfsbereit.


By far, the best employer I have ever had!

- Nicole

English, Inc. is a blessing. As a trainer for over two years in the program, I’ve found it a fair, reliable, friendly and supportive partner – a true pleasure to work with.

- John

An extremely friendly, helpful and genuinely fair employer.

- Mariana

I’ve received great support and the relationship as been very professional and friendly.

- Beth


Since 2002, focused exclusively on business English training

Andrew Cerniski

Andrew Cerniski, founder and manager of English, Inc., studied English and business. His entire career has involved integrating those disciplines for the benefit of non-native speakers of English. 

To provide firms with a partner which concentrates all its know-how on making just one thing as good as it can be: English training for work-related purposes – that’s why English, Inc. was founded. This singleness of purpose has allowed us to deepen what business English means, innovate how skills are transferred and approach the entire training process in a personal way.

In 2002, English, Inc. began by offering solely in-house training. Then, as now, we worked with client companies in both the Rhine-Neckar and Rhine-Main regions. One course at a time, English, Inc. was forming its first business relationships.

We launched open classes on our own premises in 2005 in training rooms on the third floor of a historic building overlooking Heidelberg’s main street. Participants gave us a lot of positive feedback, and they enjoyed the Old Town atmosphere. About the walk up three flights of stairs, they graciously said, “Well, ... it's good for one’s health.”

In the following year, English, Inc. introduced the first version of its Ascend system. We were awarded our first large-scale, long-term training project.

In 2011, English, Inc. moved to its current, larger training premises. We’re still on Heidelberg’s main street, but the rooms are even more beautiful – and on the ground floor.

Today, English, Inc. can look back at years of satisfied clients – from one-person companies to very large global players. Two things haven’t changed in all that time. First, our belief that every partner has English needs which are individual and that their training must be built to reflect that. The second is our awareness that the stakeholders in any training project are many: the company as a whole; the personnel department; the course participants themselves; and also the trainers, who are obviously so crucial to learning effectiveness. The satisfaction of all of these stakeholders is our goal and is how English, Inc. measures success. From the feedback we receive, it seems we’re doing a good job. We’re proud of that.


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English, Inc.
Andrew Cerniski

Hauptstrasse 64 - 66
69117 Heidelberg
+49 (0)6221 58 69 81 (Mon. 10:00 am - 2:00 pm)